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At AMFoundation, our journey is guided by an unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on our community. As we look ahead, our future plans reflect our dedication to broadening our reach, deepening our impact, and continuing to be a beacon of hope for those in need

Blood Donation Camps: We plan to organize more blood donation camps, reaching even more donors and recipients. These events are not just about collecting blood; they’re about fostering a culture of regular blood donation.

Medical Outreach: We aim to collaborate with healthcare institutions to expand our medical outreach programs, ensuring that critical medical needs are met, particularly for underprivileged individuals

Enhancing Free Food Distribution

  • Community Kitchens: We envision establishing community kitchens that provide nutritious meals to those facing food insecurity on a daily basis, not just on special occasions.

  • Education and Training: Our future plans include initiatives to educate and train individuals in culinary skills, empowering them to secure employment and improve their livelihoods

Conclusion: Together, We Shape a Brighter Tomorrow

Our future plans are an embodiment of our core values – compassion, unity, and service. We invite you to be a part of this journey, whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading the word. Together, we will shape a brighter tomorrow for our community, where hope, support, and kindness abound. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to making a more profound impact on our community in the days to come

October 2024


Medical Aid

GOAL : 1500 ₹

RAISED : 0 ₹


Ethical Support

GOAL : 3457 ₹

RAISED : 0 ₹



  • Jack Johnson says:

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  • Jane Mgrayan says:

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